Used ADVANTEST T 6372 #293614886 for sale

T 6372
ID: 293614886
LCD Tester Process: PT 256 I/O Pins HI-FIX Type: Normal No HSIF (96) HVDC (16) MDC (4) UDC CPU: TC7 RVS CH number: 96 PPS CH number: 16+8 Test rate: 125MHz Vector depth: 32MW 1536 LCD Pins.
ADVANTEST T 6372 Final Test Equipment is a full inspection system for electrical components and products. ADVANTEST T6372 employs advanced laser, contact and vision testing technology to guarantee the highest quality of production. This unit offers automation with fast, low-cost test cycles, allowing for improved efficiency of production line testing. T 6372 features an intuitive user interface for easy operation, featuring an ergonomic and space-saving design for added flexibility. The machine can easily be integrated into a production or test environment, thanks to its superior software and flexibility. The tool utilizes advanced vision and optical testing, with two CCD cameras providing high resolution and accurate image capture. This ensures accurate testing results throughout medium to high-volume testing processes. T6372 asset can be used to test and inspect a range of components, including active and passive components. It is capable of accurately testing, inspecting and measuring components, as well as verifying electrical characteristics, at the submicron or nanometer level. The model is also capable of quality assurance, testing specific orientations on surfaces, and detecting defects such as cracks, shorts, and other anomalies. The equipment features dedicated hardware for improved test speed and accuracy, with dependable test time measurements and lower costs. ADVANTEST T 6372 is also capable of self-diagnostics to reduce downtime and improve yield. In addition, the system includes specialized software including a wide variety of inspection algorithms, with image processing and analysis functions to ensure test accuracy. ADVANTEST T6372 offers a comprehensive full inspection and test unit, designed to maximize production line efficiency and quality, and provide outstanding accuracy and dependability.
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