Used ADVANTEST T 6563 #9311729 for sale

T 6563
ID: 9311729
Vintage: 2002
Tester P-8XL Prober R6581T DVM AC Power: 50 (3) Control panels Temperature: 150°C TC4 Unit GPIB IF DPU: 1 - 32 MDC Channel 1 - 4 UDC Channel 1 - 16 DPS Channel No DPS HS mode (32) TS Counts Resolution: 3.13E-11 Minimum: 8.00E-09 Maximum: 1.00E-03 Frequency: Resolution: 0.00E+00 Minimum: 0.00E+00 Maximum: 0.00E+00 SQPG Capacity VGC: 4194304 CTB: 67108864 TTB: 16777216 DFM Capacity: 256 PGTS Count: 256 FP: Clock resolution: 3.13E-11 FPTS Count 128 Clock minimum value: 0.00E+00 (4) Clock maximum cycles Clock maximum delay: 2.56E-04 (4) Maximum multiple clocks TH Maximum (4) TH1 Implemented / Kinds PIN Maximum: 4096 Common pin: 1 - 512 TH1 Pin: 1 - 512 No HRS Option ALPG/SCPG Option: SCPG: 4294967296 No ALPG No AFM No TH1 HSCLK Option ADDA Option: Converter: 1 - 4 Dcap: 1 - 4 No IDDQ Option 2002 vintage.
ADVANTEST T 6563 Final Test Equipment is one of the industry's premier test and measurement systems. This versatile system offers an efficient solution for high-speed, high-accuracy testing of electronic components, including electrical production testing, unit test, and product validation. T 6563 is a high-speed test machine designed to meet the needs of the production and manufacturing environments. It is capable of testing a large variety of applications, with its advanced architecture and its powerful probes, testers, and controllers. ADVANTEST T 6563 is a complete, integrated testing solution designed to provide a comprehensive and accurate test environment. Its powerful control and measurement capability combined with its advanced software functions and its intuitive user-interface provide users with the ultimate control over their testing requirements. T 6563 is a powerful, high-performance instrument with the ability to test a wide range of electronic components, including transistors, bipolar semiconductors, discrete devices, and various analog and digital integrated circuits. ADVANTEST T 6563 offers a wide range of features and functions designed to provide the most comprehensive and accurate testing results for a variety of components. The tool is capable of conducting testing at high speeds, while maintaining consistent quality and accuracy throughout the testing process. The asset also offers the user an easy-to-use graphical interface and a comprehensive set of instruments, data acquisition modules, and software to capture the detailed test results. T 6563 also includes several different testing control components. Its test model controller is capable of controlling its advanced tester and probes, as well as its comprehensive list of measurement functions. Its software allows users to set up and manage their tests in an efficient and automated manner. It also provides users with detailed test results and test analysis. In addition, ADVANTEST T 6563 also encompasses a wide range of additional features and functions designed to offer the most accurate and reliable testing results. It includes a wide variety of probes, testers, and controllers to provide users with the capability to select their own testing parameters and to customize their testing environment. It also includes advanced test synthesis functions to ensure the most accurate and consistent test results. In addition, the equipment's quality assurance software allows users to quickly detect any faults or errors in their production process. T 6563 Final Test System provides users with a complete, cost-effective solution for high-speed, high-accuracy testing of electronic components. Its advanced architecture, powerful probes, testers, and controllers, and comprehensive software provide users with the ultimate control over their testing requirements. In addition, its wide range of extra features and functions provide users with an efficient and easily configurable test environment.
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