Used ADVANTEST T 6563 #9311730 for sale

T 6563
ID: 9311730
Tester Temperature: 150 C Prober type: P-8XL R6581T DVM AC Power: 50 (3) Control panels TC4 UNIT (1) GPIB IF P-8XL Prober R6581T DVM AC Power: 50 (3) Control panel Temperature: 150°C TC4 Unit (2) GPIB IF DPU: 1 - 32 MDC Channel 1 - 4 UDC Channel 1 - 16 DPS Channel No DPS HS Mode (32) TS Counts Resolution: 3.13E-11 Minimum: 8.00E-09 Maximum: 1.00E-03 Frequency: Resolution: 0.00E+00 Minimum: 0.00E+00 Maximum: 0.00E+00 SQPG Capacity VGC: 4194304 CTB: 67108864 TTB: 16777216 DFM Capacity: 256 PGTS Count: 256 FP: Clock resolution: 3.13E-11 FPTS Count 128 Clock minimum value: 0.00E+00 (4) Clock maximum cycles Clock maximum delay: 2.56E-04 (4) Maximum multiple clocks TH Maximum (4) TH1 Implemented / Kinds PIN Maximum: 4096 Common pin: 1 - 512 TH1 Pin: 1 - 512 No HRS Option ALPG/SCPG Option: SCPG: 4294967296 No ALPG implemented/capacity No AFM implemented/capacity No TH1 HSCLK Option ADDA Option: Converter: 1 - 4 Dcap: 1 - 4 No IDDQ Option 2002 vintage.
ADVANTEST T 6563 is a multi-function, multi-site, final test equipment designed for high-capacity testing of high-speed semiconductor devices. This versatile system includes a flexible interface, allowing for multi-site testing from one unit to multiple devices. Its advanced technology allows it to meet the highest test standards, yielding fast, repeatable, and reliable test results. T 6563 machine utilizes a multi-site architecture to enable simultaneous testing of up to four devices on a single test interface. This multi-site architecture utilizes a tool of independent controllers that provide both synchronous and asynchronous interface control to each test interface. This enables a higher degree of control over testing and allows smaller test sites to achieve the same results found in larger systems. ADVANTEST T 6563 includes a number of advanced features to ensure accurate test results. It includes a built-in Touchscreen Interface, which allows for a user-friendly operation experience and Quick User Interface (QUI) for easy programming. It also includes automatic before-test pattern generation, and real-time data acquisition and logging for further analysis. T 6563 asset is capable of testing a variety of devices, ranging from leading-edge DRAMs & SRAMs to high-end programmable logic devices. It offers test speeds up to 65 MH/s, with an enhanced test accuracy that is capable of providing 14-bit resolution. In addition, this model can provide on-line test parameters downloads, allowing for efficient test data management. In addition, ADVANTEST T 6563 provides an extensive range of probe cards to ensure the highest possible test accuracy. For custom devices, the Flexible Card Mounting Equipment enables testing on a wide variety of substrates and package types. T 6563 also offers setup-free probing capabilities, reducing test times and associated costs. ADVANTEST T 6563 is an effective and reliable solution for high-speed, high-capacity final test applications. Its advanced features make it an ideal solution for multi-site applications, and its ability to test a wide range of devices enable tremendous flexibility and cost savings.
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