Used ADVANTEST T 6565 #293658769 for sale

T 6565
ID: 293658769
Vintage: 2003
Tester Removed parts: CPU (TP6) Execution board AC-CONT Monitor 2003 vintage.
ADVANTEST T 6565 is a final test equipment designed for high throughput production in automotive, computer/communications, consumer electronic, and medical device markets. The system supports up to 300 test units per rack, with 4 µs timing accuracy, and 2 to 4 minute test times per unit. It features a highly integrated User Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), high speed switch logic box (SLB), and a large variety of probing solutions for integrated circuit (IC) contact and isolated probe connections. T 6565's user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) streamlines test set up and instrument control. It offers linear cross-probing and advanced pattern editor technology, as well as many libraries of standard test programs and high speed stimulus/response testing. ADVANTEST T 6565's advanced parallel programming capability combines best-in-class measurement technology and test unit control to achieve robust characterization of device performances on test programs including parametric testing, parametric delay measurement, load capacity, and power consumption. The machine also includes proprietary chip programming technology, ARM-based probing, and a Digital Fault Detector (DFD), to increase test coverage to test coverage levels greater than 95%. The tool provides device temperature control in sub 1°C accuracy, allowing for accurate characterization and identification of device anomalies and ensure quality and reliability. For maximum production efficiency, T 6565 integrates high speed, automated test-unit loading and unloading, as well as auto power supply control. The asset also features advanced exception handling, enabling repeatable test process with correlated data measurements that are accessible with simple queries. ADVANTEST T 6565 is fully optimize for both in-circuit (ICT) and functional (FCT) testing in a single server solution. Its low-maintenance operation, low cost, and high-levels of accuracy and throughput make it an industry-leading choice for quality assurance and reliability.
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