Used ADVANTEST TR 4263/6 #9021740 for sale

TR 4263/6
ID: 9021740
Network analyzer, scalar, 10 MHz - 18 GHz, 3 inputs.
ADVANTEST TR 4263/6 is a equipment designed for final test applications. This system uses its patented Multi Site Test Architecture (MSTA) to test components of digital, analog and mixed signal devices at speed. It is equipped with a high speed memory test suite featuring advanced memory techniques such as advance algorithm margining, dynamic stress testing and error injection. The unit also offers patterns library of built-in memory test functions. The machine has an integrated test application host which reduces test development cycles. Its application programming interface (API) functions include test pattern generation, test result analysis and a macro library for custom test development. The API also offers a range of functions such as pattern masking, external signal conditioning and MUX/selector handling. The tool also has the capability to measure and trace digital responses. It has an intelligent signal path measurement capability with an integrated trace conversion unit, allowing changes in timing parameter settings to be triggered while tests are being performed. The asset is configured to provide concurrent testing across multiple sites. It allows users to program sixteen pattern generators and have up to eight pattern generator clock rates as well as up to eight arbitrary shaped pattern memories across the test set being processed. The model also increases throughput by using a RAM technology to store patterns and analyze results in parallel. The equipment has an environmental stress test capability with selectable condition settings. Its ability to simulate extreme environmental conditions to replicate the anticipated use environment making it an ideal instrument for production test applications. It also offers a synchronous multi-site facility, allowing multiple devices to be tested concurrently over multiple sites. By using a distributed architecture, a greater degree of test coverage is achieved using fewer test machines than, for example, a rack-mount system. ADVANTEST TR 4263/6 is an ideal test unit for final test applications. It offers a number of advanced features and capabilities which make it ideal for testing multiple sites at speed and efficiently. Its environmentally-conditioned simulation capabilities and synchronous multi-site setup make it the perfect choice for production tests requiring extreme conditions. The integrated application programming interface and memory test suite make it an excellent tool for test development and application.
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