Used VEECO GEN III #9262111 for sale
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ID: 9262111
Vintage: 2001
MBE System
(3) Al Sources: 400g
(2) Ga Sources: 900g Sumo
In Source: 400g Sumo
CBr4 Carbon Source includes mech pump
Silicon source
(2) Arsenic crackers
RHEED System
Substrate pyrometer
Cryo and compressor
Ion pumps
Load lock turbo
Spare parts:
(2) Al Sources – 400g
(2) 400g Sumo
900g Sumo
Be Source
As cracker (Needs rebuild)
Phosphorous cracker
Phosphorous recovery system
Bakeout panels
Spare gate valve
Sump pump
Miscellaneous hardware in cabinet (Gaskets, bolts, crucibles, spare cables)
Electronic racks
Computer and desk
Shutter hardware
Substrate holders
LN2 Phase separator
Water chiller for source shroud
Water chiller for Arsenic crackers
UPS system for Ga and Al cells
2001 vintage.
VARIAN / VEECO GEN III is a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth equipment that is typically used for the deposition of thin films at the atomic level. The system is comprised of several major components, such as a high temperature growth image furnace, an ultra-high vacuum chamber, multiple effusion cells, a thermal proximity shutter, and several foreline pumping systems. The image furnace, which is capable of reaching temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius, is used to convert material from solid to gaseous form in order to deposit high quality, ultra-thin films. The ultra-high vacuum chamber is the area in which the deposition occurs, and it is typically pressurized down to a few tenths of a millibar. The multiple effusion cells contain the source materials, which need to be heated to a high temperature in order for them to evaporate their elements and pass into the chamber to form the thin film. The thermal proximity shutter is used to control the relative position of the effusion cells to the substrate upon which the film is deposited. The foreline pumping systems are required to maintain a high level of vacuum, which is essential for MBE as it requires a low partial pressure environment in order to prevent contamination of the film. The pumping unit is attached to the vacuum chamber and serves two functions: to regulate the pressure of the machine and to generate a high quality vacuum. The pumping tool may also employ additional components, such as cryo traps, vacuum gauges, manifold valves, and lapped valves, to optimize performance. Overall, VEECO GEN III MBE asset is a powerful growth tool that can provide a range of material properties under extremely precise conditions. It offers an unparalleled level of control over the deposition process and makes it possible to create complex and intricate thin films.
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