Used DNS / DAINIPPON / SCREEN SD W80A AVP #293595929 for sale

ID: 293595929
Vintage: 1994
Coater / Developer system 1994 vintage.
DNS / DAINIPPON / SCREEN SD W80A AVP is an automated photoresist equipment capable of producing high-precision, high-resolution patterns via a development and imaging process. The system is engineered for efficient, cost-effective fabrication of electronic boards, semiconductor devices and other microelectronic components. The unit is equipped with a fully automated process, allowing for convenient and efficient photolithography controls. Its intuitive menu-driven interface enables quick setup, execution and monitoring of processing tasks. The machine also features advanced trace control capabilities and automatic end-point detection for absolute control over the imaging and development processes. The life-cycle management tool can store, analyze and report process parameters and images with great detail. The asset utilizes a high-precision stage to realize high-precision pattern setup, baseline accuracy and alignment accuracy. It also features a powerful integrated vision model that allows users to inspect and monitor the photoresist images throughout the process. The combination of a highly efficient coating capability, laser interferometer and advanced vision equipment enables reproducible and reliable results. The imaging process is handled by a high-resolution, high-accuracy exposure monitor that ensures precision and accuracy. A complete array of intensity, space and time control parameters are supported to optimize each exposure and ensure proper coating, curing and development processes. The system includes a built-in saturation indicator and automatic exposure control for improved usability and reduced operator fatigue. The unit features a high-speed development module with automatic search and resolution capability. This enables faster and more accurate development of patterns and sub-micron features. It also features a non-contact end-point detection machine to accurately detect the end of the development process. Overall, DNS SD W80A AVP tool is an automated photoresist technology capable of producing high-precision, high-resolution patterns with optimal throughput. By preparing, coating, imaging, developing and controlling the pattern-genesis process, the asset enables efficient, accurate and cost-effective pattern production. Its digital imaging capabilities, enhanced trace control and automated end-point detection ensure predictable and repeatable results.
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