Used DNS / DAINIPPON SKW-629 #9226171 for sale

ID: 9226171
Wafer Size: 6"
Coater, 6" (2) Tracks.
DNS / DAINIPPON SKW-629 is a highly accurate photoresist coating equipment used in the semiconductor industry. This system enables the precise deposition of photoresist on surfaces of silicon and other semiconductor materials. Photoresist is a photosensitive liquid or coating used to produce microscopic patterns on a substrate. These patterns can be used in the fabrication of semiconductors, microelectronic devices, and other electrical components. DNS SKW-629 is a highly sensitive Photoresist unit that is highly compatible with semiconductor substrates. The machine incorporates precise dispensers, accurately dispersing the photoresist onto the surface of the substrate in a uniform manner. The dispensers are equipped with a number of individually controlled nozzles, which allow for intricate pattern formation. The tool is compatible with a variety of photoresist materials and application methods. This allows users to create the desired patterns, whether it be complex lines or simple shapes. The asset can also be used for non-lithographic photoresist applications, such as sputtering. Once the photoresist is in place on the substrate, it is then exposed to ultraviolet light. Depending on the chosen photoresist, select areas are either dissolved or solidified. Following post-exposure bake, the undesired areas are washed away and the desired pattern is then left behind on the substrate. DAINIPPON SKW-629 is designed for robust operation, with each dispenser controlled by an automated feedback model. This ensures precise and consistent dispensing of photoresist onto the surface of the substrate. Overall, SKW-629 is a highly accurate and reliable equipment for coating substrates with photoresist. This system provides users with a reliable and efficient method of producing intricate patterns on semiconductor substrates. This unit is ideal for fabrication of complex electrical components used in the semiconductor industry.
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