Used DNS / DAINIPPON SKW-629 #9269119 for sale

ID: 9269119
Wafer Size: 6"
Coater / Developer systems, 6".
DNS / DAINIPPON SKW-629 is a precision photoresist equipment that provides precision imaging and etch capabilities for use in the electronics and semiconductor industries. It is a versatile compact system that is able to accommodate a variety of surface treatment needs for both low and high volume production. The unit is designed to automate the creation of photomasks and other patterns, allowing users to quickly create accurate patterns quickly, while also offering repeatability better than any standard machine. The tool uses a combination of photolithography technology and a range of etching techniques to produce photoresist patterns. Photolithography is a process that uses light to shape a pattern onto a substrate and is the basis for modern semiconductor production. This asset features a high-resolution photo-mask exposure chamber, a highly-sensitive automated wafer handling model and an advanced positive-tone etching equipment. The exposure chamber is able to accurately expose a wide variety of substrates, including glass, quartz, silicon and other materials. It can also handle a range of wavelengths and light levels to ensure that the perfect photomask can be created. The wafer handling system is also highly sensitive, allowing for accurate handling of wafers and other sensitive components. Finally, the etching unit offers a range of etching techniques to create a variety of photoresist patterns. This includes both wet and dry etching systems, as well as laser and optical ablation for creating precision patterns. This allows users to accurately shape photoresist patterns that are impossible to create with other systems. Overall, DNS SKW-629 provides a highly precise and flexible photoresist machine that is capable of producing intricate patterns quickly and accurately. It offers a wide range of exposure and etching techniques, as well as highly accurate and sensitive wafer handling capabilities. This makes it a great choice for laboratories and production facilities looking for a reliable photoresist imaging and etching tool.
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