Used ENTEGRIS FOUP #9392095 for sale

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ID: 9392095
Wafer Size: 12"
Wafer automatic photoresist stripper, 12" PEI Orange P/N: FEFAC2A-P6BWSN-NNM.
ENTEGRIS FOUP is an advanced photoresist equipment used for high-resolution integrated circuit (IC) manufacture. This system is a multi-purpose tool used to manage, track and inspect the front-end of the manufacturing process. FOUP unit is designed to be a versatile solution for photoresist applications, allowing customers to manage the equipment and processes used for photolithography. ENTEGRIS FOUP machine has several features to optimize the photolithography process, including an advanced port technology design and contamination control. Its port design allows users to easily transfer wafers between tools and machines and offers high-speed track control to precisely move wafers between zones. This design also enables advanced contamination control that ensures consistently clean wafers. All components of FOUP tool are specifically designed for photoresist applications. The asset includes a highly customizable docking cassette, several transport and loading rails, and wafer trays. The docking cassette and transport model are highly modular, allowing users to easily integrate new tools into their overall process. The wafer trays provide an enclosed environment specifically suited for photoresist applications. ENTEGRIS FOUP equipment also includes a powerful wafer management software that provides users with complete control over their photolithography system. This software allows users to track and manage wafer loads, assign tasks to specific tools, and automate transport movements between tools. In addition, the software provides advanced tools for wafer inspection, such as failure analysis and precision measurements of photoresist layers. FOUP unit is a reliable tool for meeting current and future photolithography needs. It features robust design, precise control, and advanced management tools to ensure consistently high quality products. By using the machine's port design, contamination control features, and wafer management software, customers can ensure their photoresist applications run as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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