Used FSI / TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON PVDF Turntable for Mercury MP #293657839 for sale

ID: 293657839
Wafer Size: 8"
8" 4-Positions.
FSI / TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON PVDF Turntable for Mercury MP is an advanced photoresist equipment that offers reliable coverage and speed during the photoresist application process. The system features an integrated optical, mechanical, and electrical design, and has been designed to provide an optimal solution for the application of photoresists onto semiconductor devices. The centerpiece of FSI PVDF Turntable for Mercury MP is its highly efficient, vibration-resistant form of PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) material. This material is incredibly versatile and can take on a wide range of specifications and parameters. Additionally, the material is superiorly resistant to both UV radiation and acids, which eliminates the need for innovative corrosion protectors or coatings. The PVDF material also ensures that the exposed photoresist material remains consistent during the development process. By maintaining accuracy and uniformity, the PVDF material decreases waste and scrap while also increasing production throughput. The Turntable for Mercury MP is equipped with a patented high-speed inertial tracking and optimisation unit to accurately locate and position photoresists during the development process. This machine is complemented by a powerful computerised protocol that is designed to ensure optimal coverage and ensure photoresist accuracy. The Mercury MP is designed to improve user experience and work efficiency. The tool can be operated remotely with its user-friendly interface and its easy-to-use control panel. Additionally, the asset is equipped with multiple alarm and safety monitoring systems to help ensure safe operation and prevent unplanned shutdowns. The Mercury MP is equipped with a host of features to make the photoresist application process as efficient and accurate as possible. From its high-speed inertial tracking and optimisation model to its powerful computerised protocol and advanced materials, the Mercury MP is a powerful and reliable photoresist equipment that offers ultimate accuracy and speed.
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