Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 #9269646 for sale

ID: 9269646
System HITACHI LE-4000A (2) Stages Big conveyor Water controller box.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 is a photoresist equipment that utilizes several state-of-the-art technologies to produce higher quality results than conventional photoresist technologies. The system contains several components that act together to create superior photoresist images. Firstly, this unit is equipped with a high-demand deep-UV light source in order to ensure the successful exposure of photoresist films. The machine has a wavelength range from 250 to 410 nm in order to match the spectral requirements of various types of photoresist films. The light source also contains a highly efficient shutter tool to control the exposure times and maintain the photoresist layers' integrity. The asset also features a fully-automated stage with an automated wafer handling model, capable of handling wafers with diameters ranging from 2 to 300 mm. This wafer handling equipment is equipped with a vacuum chuck and an automated stage that is ideal for large area exposure. Furthermore, the system maintains a highly accurate substrate position monitoring unit to prioritize uniform and repeatable exposure of photoresist layers. TEL CS500 is also equipped with an advanced resist immersion machine technology that ensures adequate resist supply and elimination of air bubbles from the instilled resist. The tool is designed with a sturdy and highly efficient circulation asset for uniform and continuous replenishment of the resist. Finally, the model has two advanced dispensing modules for precise resist application and uniform film formation. The modules utilize dispensing methods with a high degree of precision and accuracy to create uniform and consistent photoresist patterns. The result of these feature is a photoresist equipment that is capable of creating high-performance images and uniform patterns with superior photoresist film qualities. With its advanced capabilities and technologies, TOKYO ELECTRON CS 500 is capable of providing superior results for diverse photoresist system needs.
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