Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 #9269720 for sale

ID: 9269720
System HITACHI LE-4000A Align stage.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 is a photoresist equipment used for advanced semiconductor device processes. It is tailored to the needs of semiconductor fabricators, offering a comprehensive electromagnetic lithography system. The unit can accommodate a wide range of substrates, including 8-inch and 12-inch wafers, and features a high-resolution stepper/scanner machine. It is also capable of accommodating dual panels up to 18-inch wafers. The stepper/scanner tool can generate high-resolution images with resolution up to 0.08 μm. The asset provides a number of features to ensure accuracy and reliability during photoresist processes. This includes a fully-closed and automated scanner cassette loading model, an on-axis wafer alignment module, and high-speed wafer-handling equipment. The system also includes an advanced hot chuck heater, which enables temperature control and thermal uniformity, and a highly integrated control architecture, for ease of process set-up and management. The optical unit is composed of a variety of components, including a high-power illumination machine, advanced phase grating, and a field coupler. The illumination tool, in particular, has a high light yield, enabling high precision pattern printing with good depth of focus. The asset can handle a wide range of substrates and photoresist materials. It is compatible with standard i-line and KrF lithography systems, and is equipped with a chemical-vapor-deposited (CVD) resist coating model. As part of the resist coating process, the equipment includes side wall control, an important step that is necessary for precise patterning. The system also features advanced software, enabling easy management and traceability of each step of the process. The software enables parameters to be set up, processed and monitored with a simple, user-friendly graphical interface. Overall, TEL CS500 photoresist unit is an advanced and versatile tool for advanced semiconductor device processes. Its high-resolution stepper/scanner machine, advanced illumination, CVD resist coating and comprehensive, user-friendly software make it an excellent choice for fabricators looking for accuracy and reliability when performing photoresist processes.
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