Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 #9269767 for sale

ID: 9269767
System HITACHI LE-4000A Mask cleaner Tank.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 is a specialized photographic wafer resist processing tool utilized in photolithography. The tool uses wet or dry development processes to achieve superior control in the resist behavior and its resistance to etching solutions. TEL CS500 utilizes a dedicated control equipment to manage the physical parameters, including the volume and temperature of the wet or dry development solutions. This ensures that the resist-developing process is performed within the optimal parameters, allowing for fixed, repeatable results. The system provides the user with a high-resolution LCD screen that displays the current settings with accuracy and clarity. The unit also has the ability to automatically manage both dark and light field plate sets to ensure that light-sensitive areas of the wafer receive the proper exposure. TOKYO ELECTRON CS 500 is split-field compatible, meaning it can achieve alignment registration during the development process. This helps to ensure that the critical resist patterning is maintained to the highest standards. The machine also has a fast, intuitive, and accurate program editor, which allows for the configuration of the resist development. This allows the user to create customized programs to help achieve specific goals and requirements. TOKYO ELECTRON CS500 is capable of controlling its solution bath levels to an accuracy of +/- 0.1 mm in the bath. This level of accuracy helps ensure uniform thinness throughout the resist layer, allowing for more precise control in the resist development. TEL CS 500 includes a low expansion housing that helps to ensure accurate measurements and providing superior measurement precision throughout the development process. The tool also provides a monitoring program dedicated for the resist thickness measurement process. This helps to ensure accuracy in the layer resist thickness prior to the etching process. CS500 is also equipped with a vapor generator that is used to control the condensed water droplet size that is generated during the development process. This helps to minimize wafer drying defects and ensures a uniform photo-resist layer. TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON CS 500 is a reliable and powerful photoresist asset that helps to create superior patterns on sensitive substrates. Its advanced control systems help ensure accuracy and repeatability while providing the user with easy-to-use features to create powerful development programs.
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