Used AIXTRON 2000 HT #9093575 for sale

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2000 HT
ID: 9093575
Vintage: 2005
MOCVD System Nitride (GaN) Controller Planetary reactor Gas foil rotation RF Cooling wafers Glove box PC Controller: DELL Poweredge 1750 Reactor temperature gauge: EUROTHERM Reactor pressure gauge: MKS 600 Controller Pressure balancing gauge: EUROTHERM Temperature control system: LUXTRON 100C Optical fiber Main system With (8) PLC systems HUTTINGER Generator UN2000 A WHG Scrubber AFFINITY ED17 CAM 2P Pump cabinet BUSCH Dry pump (2) Scroll pumps Gases: N2, H2, SiH4, HCL and NH3 MO Baths LUDA-S RM6 (4) NESLAB RTE-111 Gas box with Amonia, N2, N2 Purifier MO: TMGa, TMAI, TEGa, TMin Chiller missing 2005 vintage.
AIXTRON 2000 HT is a chemical reactor equipment designed for high-temperature deposition processes such as MOCVD (Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition). This high throughput system is equipped with a reaction chamber with six diagonal, flat-plate susceptors and an integrated robotic substrate positioning unit. The reaction chamber is temperature-controlled by a hot wall heater machine and the substrate temperature can be regulated by a top-up gas injection. The tool has a large number of inlets and outlets to ensure continuous gas mixing during the deposition and robustness against possible pressure variations. 2000 HT is capable of operating in the temperature range of up to 1000°C. AIXTRON 2000 HT also utilizes a 6-inch quartz viewport that enables the view of the deposition process from the reaction chamber. It can be used to monitor and optimize the process parameters such as gas flow, temperature, pressure, etc. by means of a sophisticated control asset. Its remote programming capabilities also ensures precise control of the process. The integrated dry etch model further facilitates in-situ control of the film thickness. 2000 HT is designed to speed up the material deposition process with high throughput and lowest possible thermal budget. It is suitable for both single- and multiple-layer depositions. The equipment is capable of producing high-quality thin film coatings of complex 3D shapes with precise layer control. Through its use of high-temperature deposition techniques, AIXTRON 2000 HT offers an economical manufacturing solution for the fabrication of membrane and semiconductor devices, such as GaAs or GaN-based LEDs and laser diodes. The system can be used for both batch and continuous production and allows for easy-of-operation and maintenance.
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