Used AIXTRON AIX 2800 G4 HT #189322 for sale
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ID: 189322
MOCVD Planetary Reactor system
Equipped with individual satellite rotation control
Configured for 11x4" GaN production
Currently installed
Can be demonstrated
2010 vintage.
AIXTRON AIX 2800 G4 HT is a production-proven reactor equipment designed for metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of III-V based semiconductor materials. The system is designed for optimal deposition performance and is capable of achieving ultra-high growth rates. AIXTRON AIX 2800G4-HT can operate in both atmospheric and high-pressure applications, allowing for an optimal choice of growth conditions depending on the desired crystal structure and material properties. AIX 2800G4 HT consists of a reaction chamber connected to a gas delivery unit, an electrical supply, and a process controller housed in a high-temperature cryostat. The reaction chamber is designed to establish an optimal thermal gradient between source materials and substrates for the desired material quality and process uniformity. The geometry of the reaction chamber is configured to ensure sufficient residence time of the vaporized precursor materials, preventing cold-spot nucleation and improving material quality. AIXTRON AIX 2800G4 HT utilizes an innovative dual-gas delivery machine that allows for the processing of two different source materials or two different gas mixtures for different process conditions. The gas delivery tool can support controlled carrier gas flows, along with pulsed or continuous injection of reactive gases for the formation of the desired material. The precise gas delivery control also allows for the deposition of material at very high deposition rates with the option of up to two orders of magnitude higher than the standard reactor. AIX 2800G4-HT is also equipped with a high-temperature quartz window for the in-situ monitoring of deposited materials. The window is enhanced with low-pressure anti-reflective coating, allowing for improved optical properties of the deposited material. AIX 2800 G4 HT also contains an advanced electrical supply asset, which is specifically designed for the efficient operation of the deposition process. In addition, AIXTRON AIX 2800 G 4 HT is equipped with a powerful process controller, which allows for precise adjustment of process parameters during operation. The process controller is capable of logging and storing real-time process parameters, ensuring repeatable and reliable deposition results. The process controller also provides an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI), with features such as alarming and remote interface capability. AIX 2800 G 4 HT has been optimized for the deposition of high-quality III-V materials, making it an excellent choice for industrial-scale deposition applications. The model's precise gas delivery equipment, high-temperature quartz window, efficient electrical supply, and powerful process controller ensure reliable and repeatable deposition of the desired materials. AIXTRON AIX 2800 G4 HT is ideal for the fabrication of III-V optoelectronic and power devices.
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