Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9203837 for sale

ID: 9203837
Wafer Size: 12"
Twin chamber, 12" Process: HT SiN (2) APF.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is a state-of-the-art plasma-based deposition or etch reactor designed for a variety of semiconductor wafer fabrication applications. The reactor's efficient design integrates advanced process automation, control, and monitoring systems for high-precision results. Its paneled, stainless steel vacuum chamber enables high-throughput processing, with generous space for substrates and a wide range of detector and monitor configurations. AMAT Producer SE's precision processing capabilities allow for superior process uniformity, edge control, and cleanliness, widely favored by leading semiconductor manufacturers. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE utilizes a unique and more efficient non-Bell cyclone gas delivery equipment, which enables richer in-situ gas compositions and higher plasma densities necessary for increased throughput and improved process control. The reactor is well-suited for a comprehensive range of single-wafer and cluster tool applications, including etching, cleaning, and deposition. Its load locking system ensures minimal gas loss at all times, and can accommodate substrates up to 200mm in size while accommodating many configurations of heating and cooling structures. Producer SE also offers advanced process monitoring and control features. It features an Advanced Process Control (APC) module that provides real-time, closed loop feedback control of process variables. Its software also includes rules-based control of single wafer or cluster tool applications. In addition, it offers flexible recipe development and execution support, automatic alarm systems, and access to statistically meaningful data. Finally, the reactor's advanced safety features make it a reliable, secure tool for multi-user applications. Its patented safety paneling utilizes X-ray proof glass and provides access to key components without compromising the reactor's pressure integrity. Additionally, the integrated advanced security unit allows systems administrators to password protect recipes and machine integrity settings at any time. AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE set the standard for innovative semiconductor wafer fabrication processes through its precision, process control, and safety features. It provides the industry with an efficient, reliable, and secure plasma-based deposition and etch solution.
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