Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9240191 for sale

ID: 9240191
Wafer Size: 8"
System, 8".
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is a type of reactor designed to be used in the semiconductor industry for the fabrication of semiconductor wafers. It consists of a thermalized source, a gas delivery equipment, a system of electrodes, and a vacuum chamber in which wafers can be subjected to a range of gas treatments. AMAT Producer SE utilizes a hot filament unit for chemical vapor deposition of silicon oxide, polysilicon, and related materials. The thermal surface of the filament is heated to the required temperature, typically 600°C, to allow the decomposition of volatile chemistries. After the vapors have sufficiently decomposed, they are introduced into the vacuum chamber at a controlled pressure and flow rate, where they are deposited onto the wafer surfaces. The source and electrodes help to maintain the uniformity of the combined gaseous environment within the chamber. The electrodes have two functions: one is to sustain a negative DC bias voltage, which assists in the deposition process, and the other is to maintain the correct chamber pressure. The gas delivery machine is composed of several components including a mass flow controller, a gas manifold, and either a remote or integrated valve. The gas manifold collects and routes the gases from the mass flow controller into the chamber, and the valve is used to adjust the gas pressure in the chamber. Lastly, the thermalized filament tool helps to increase the rate, stability, and uniformity of the deposition process. The thermalized filaments are designed to reduce the thermal gradient of the filament, which helps create a faster and more uniform deposition rate. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is a powerful reactor designed for the deposition of silicon oxide, polysilicon, and related materials onto semiconductor wafers. It is composed of a thermalized source, a gas delivery asset, a model of electrodes, and a vacuum chamber. The thermalized filament equipment helps maintain a uniform thermal gradient and gas pressure within the chamber, while the electrodes provide the necessary DC bias voltage for a uniform deposition process. All these features, when combined, make this reactor an efficient and versatile tool for the fabrication of semiconductor wafers.
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