Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9251462 for sale

ID: 9251462
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2003
CVD Systems, 12" 2003 vintage.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE (AMAT Producer SE) is a single-wafer reactor that is used in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. It is a vertical furnace reactor that is designed specifically for applications related to the deposition of layers of material in semiconductor and associated devices. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is capable of supporting a wide variety of deposition materials including oxides, nitrides, carbides, as well as compound materials such as amorphous silicon. It has a base pressure of less than 5x10-6 torr and a chamber size of 4". It also is equipped with a quartz chamber and heating plate made from high grade ceramic materials. The heating plate can support up to temperatures of 1200°C as well as temperature ramps, linear equations, or individual steps. The thermal control is user friendly and has a range between 50°C and 1200°C. It is also equipped with a rotating chuck for ensuring uniform deposition on the wafers. The main features of Producer SE are its reliability and repeatability. The process chamber utilizes a ceramic heating element and model controlled temperature profile which enables a precise temperature control to help ensure consistent process results. Additionally, the chamber has a low outgas rate and does not require bakeout before operation. The equipment also has automatic end-point detection capabilities which helps ensure the success of the system's process and can be programmed for a wide range of materials. In addition, the unit has an integrated gas management machine. This helps to ensure accurate and stable gas delivery during the process. AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is a powerful tool for semiconductor and device applications. It provides precise process control, entails low cost of ownership, and is reliable for consistent results. This tool can be used for a wide range of deposition materials and is a powerful solution for those needing a repeatable and successful wafer-processing solution.
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