Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9251467 for sale

ID: 9251467
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2006
CVD System, 12" 2006 vintage.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE (Referred to herein as AMAT Producer SE) is a one-of-a-kind, single-wafer metal evaporator reactor designed for research and development within the semiconductor industry. This particular model boasts the latest in evaporative technology, with a variety of different features intended to create a multitude of functionality for advanced nanotechnology applications. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is capable of thermal evaporation of multiple materials with a high deposition rate. The depositions achieved with Producer SE are extremely uniform over the wafer due to its precise and highly accurate control equipment. It has a vacuum chamber and special filtering technology to ensure the highest quality, allowing users to generate complex multi-layer films in a single deposition cycle. The reactor can form a variety of metal films on a single wafer simultaneously, including, but not limited to, nickel, aluminum, tungsten, phosphorus, palladium and molybdenum. In addition to its abilities to form metal films, AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE can also be used for deposition of nanoclusters, coatings, and other atomic-level thin film layers on a wafer surface. By utilizing this unique particle formation method, users of AMAT Producer SE can achieve superior results while creating extremely small and novel structures. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is capable of temperatures of up to 850°C (1562°F) and can operate in both DC and RF energies. The evaporator is outfitted with a split-capacitance source, allowing for superior evaporative control at high speed. This combined with its higher power helps enable layers to be deposited quickly and accurately. Producer SE also has an integrated vacuum system that helps in the production of ultra-fine evaporative deposits with high reproducibility. This unit includes a pair of turbo pumps for maximum evacuation and a built-in Roughing pump for faster evacuation. Additionally, AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE features an onboard gas flow management machine to ensure the highest levels of precision and accuracy. In addition to its high-performance features, AMAT Producer SE is designed for maximum ease of use. This tool features a streamlined user-interface that makes it easy to program and monitor the deposition process. Additionally, APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is designed to be extremely cost-effective, helping to reduce production costs significantly. All of these capabilities make Producer SE the ideal machine for next-generation research and development in nanotechnology applications. Its advanced functionality and ease of use make it a popular choice within the semiconductor industry. With its durable construction and superior performance, AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is truly a remarkable product.
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