Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9261409 for sale

ID: 9261409
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2005
CVD System, 12" 2005 vintage.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is a Single Ended (SE) production reactor designed to deposit films of polycrystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials. The reactor is designed to deliver material deposition rate of 1.5nm to 5nm per minute at temperatures up to 800°C. The SE uses a remotely operated source chamber, which contains an electron beam source to provide a highly energetic, uniform electron beam. This beam is directed and focused on a substrate surface within the main chamber of the reactor. The main chamber is also equipped with an air cooled liner to maintain the desired temperature and support the deposition process. The system is equipped with a digital controller to control a broad range of process variables including the beam current, electron beam deflection and focusing, as well as temperature and pressure within the chambers. The digital controller also enables the user to adjust the substrate temperature and chamber pressure to achieve an optimal deposition rate for materials with different compositions. Additionally, the digital controller can be used to precisely monitor and optimize the operation time, beam current and chamber pressure for maximum yield and deposition rate. For certain materials that require higher substrates temperatures, AMAT Producer SE can be outfitted with an additional quartz tube to provide additional heating. The quartz tube can be used for both substrate and sidewall heating and offers more uniform substrate heating than passive sided-wall heaters. The inverter power supply within the quartz tube can be used to precisely set the current profile and temperature needed for specific process parameters. In addition to manually controlled process variables, APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE also includes an automated system to clean the chamber after each use. This automated system uses a series of purge cycles to ensure that harmful debris is removed from the deposition chamber and that the substrate surface is completely clean. This feature is essential for achieving optimal film characteristics and yield. Producer SE is designed to provide maximum throughput and precision for the deposition of thin films and polymers. It is an ideal choice for process engineers looking for an efficient and reliable solution for small to medium scale production. With a single ended design, the SE can achieve the highest rate of production with minimal maintenance. With all these features, users of AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE will find it an optimal choice for their deposition requirements.
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