Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE #9280399 for sale

ID: 9280399
Wafer Size: 12"
CVD System, 12" (3) Chambers Process: SiCOH U LowK dielectric.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE is designed as a semiconductor etch reactor that is used to precisely etch into or remove specific materials from the surface of a substrate with the least amount of damage. This reactor can facilitate the fabrication of highly accurate features with improved dimensional and electrical control using a variety of etching processes. It is equipped with a vacuum equipment to maintain a stable and consistent process environment, and an onboard silicon crystal monitor that provides precise temperature and power control. The reactor utilizes a range of powerful technologies to create desired features and effects, including ion implantation, photoresist etching, and photoresist stripping. Its integrated plasma source and single wafer source provide etching capability across a broad range of materials including a variety of metals and plastics. The direct-write scanning system supports complex patterning for the highest levels of automation and accuracy. This unit enables advanced process control to achieve repeatable and accurate process results. The reactor comes with a vacuum chamber that is capable of sustained high vacuum levels, enabling efficient material transport and etching. It provides excellent process control with precise gas delivery, ion energies, and ion energies control, allowing users to accurately control the etch rate of their targeted material. In addition, an end-point detection machine allows for repeatable process results, ensuring that the final device is consistent. AMAT Producer SE is designed for safe and efficient operation in high-volume production settings. Its proprietary cooling design features two water-cooled linear stages, allowing for rapid process initiation and cooling of the substrate. Its advanced vacuum tool is capable of handling high particle densities, ensuring the reliable performance of all processes. The integrated reaction chamber provides uniform dilution rates with a consistent temperature profile across the substrate surface. Furthermore, it offers pressure control to reduce material transport, consistent gas flow rate over the process time, and a uniform pumping rate. This ensures excellent etch uniformity, resulting in precise etch profiles and accurate device features. APPLIED MATERIALS Producer SE asset offers a comprehensive package of features and capabilities that enable enhanced semiconductor fabrication performance and increased control of etching conditions. From maximizing uniformity to optimizing yields, it is a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective etch reactor solution suitable for various types of applications.
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