Used ASM Epsilon 3000 / 3200 #9168801 for sale

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Epsilon 3000 / 3200
ID: 9168801
Vintage: 2010
EPI Reactor 2010 vintage.
ASM Epsilon 3000 / 3200 series of reactors is a highly efficient and safe, multi-purpose nuclear energy reactor. This series is part of the Nuclear Systems Model (NSM) range of advanced nuclear reactors developed by the Atomic Sciences and Materials (ASM) Company. ASM Epsilon reactors are designed for medium to large-scale electricity generation in commercial nuclear power plants. The reactors have an integrated passive safety system and are capable of safely operating even after a severe loss of coolant accident. This ensures minimal impact to the surrounding environment. The reactor core consists of an inner core of enriched uranium fuel and an outer sleeve of control rods. It has been designed for a maximum of 48 fuel assemblies. All components are modular and modularity is a major feature of ASM reactors. This allows the components of the reactor to be moved and replaced easily for maintenance and operational updates. Each ASM Epsilon power reactor also features a solid, lightweight shield designed to minimize radiation exposure and contain accidental releases of radioactive material. The passive safety systems such as heat-sensitive devices and water-flow instrumentation are integrated into the system to ensure the reactor stays within its safe operating range. In addition to robust safety features, Epsilon 3000 / 3200 series is also designed for efficient operation. The high coolant flow rate allows for further increase in efficiency and increases the level of power in the reactor. The reactor operates at a temperature of approximately 1,000 ˚C and pressure of 250 bar. This temperature and pressure allows the steam cycle to operate more efficiently and hence increases the electrical output of the plant. Altogether, these features of ASM Epsilon 3000 / 3200 series make it a very efficient and safe industrial-scale electricity production unit. Its design allows it to operate reliably in such a way to minimize risks to humans and the environment. Although this reactor has a relatively large price tag, the long-term benefits are robust and provide those who use it with an efficient method of electricity production.
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