Used SENTINEL Equinox 2000 #9127995 for sale

Equinox 2000
ID: 9127995
Powder x-ray diffractometer.
SENTINEL Equinox 2000 is an advanced nuclear research reactor, designed for a variety of experimental and educational programs. Developed by SENTINEL Technologies, it incorporates sophisticated safety systems to ensure maximum safety and reliability. Equinox 2000 reactor is composed of two cylindrical inner vessels surrounded by a thick steel shell that provides a layer of protection between the reactor and the external environment. Inside the vessel, the fuel elements are suspended in a high-temperature, high-pressure water jacket containing the coolant. The fuel elements are cooled by the coolant passing through the coolant pipes and through the radiation shield. The reactor has two independent control systems responsible for controlling the reactor and ensuring that the power output, temperature, and other parameters remain within the desired levels. The first system consists of automatic safety systems that act as a failsafe and shut down the reactor in the event of an emergency. The reactor works on the principle of heat exchange and is powered by enriched uranium fuel rods. The uranium fuel rods are encased in a zirconium alloy cladding to contain the nuclear reaction and radiation emitted from the fuel rods. When the neutrons collide with the fuel rods, they are absorbed and release energy in the form of heat. This heat is then transferred to the coolant, which acts as a heat sink and transfers the heat away from the core. SENTINEL Equinox 2000 reactor has several instrumentation systems that monitor the reactor's operation, including temperature, flow, pressure, and power density. There is also a control system that monitors the reactor and can adjust the operational parameters in response to changing conditions. Equinox 2000 is a highly reliable and safe nuclear reactor suitable for a range of applications. Its sophisticated safety systems and advanced instrumentation systems make it an excellent choice for applications in research, education, and industry.
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