Used TAIYO NIPPON SANSO UR25K #9401357 for sale
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ID: 9401357
Vintage: 2011
MOCVD System, 2"-6"
InGaN: Active layer
GaN: N and P Contact layer
Hydride lines: NH3, SiH4
Alkyl lines (Dilution line):
TMGa-1 (500 SCCM)
TMGa-2 (500 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
TMGa-3 (50 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
TMIn-1 (500 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
TMIn-2 (500 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
TMAI (200 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
Cp2Mg-2 (1000 SCCM + 1000 SCCM)
2011 vintage.
TAIYO NIPPON SANSO UR25K is an advanced small-scale High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) with a rated thermal power output of 25 MW thermal. It is an indigenously designed and developed prototype, utilizing a gas-cooled design and is equipped with high temperature graphite as both moderator and reflector material. This reactor contains a fuel core composed of hexagonal cylindrical blocks filled mainly with Tristructural Isotropic (TRISO) coated particles, a replacement of the earlier tubular fuel elements. The reactor is designed to carry out a variety of experiments and is equipped with advanced control systems and nuclear instrumentation. It was designed to operate with a core outlet temperature of 850º C and is considered to be the world's first of its kind designed with such high operating temperatures. The key component that makes UR25K reactor different than other reactors is the use of high temperature graphite as the moderator and reflector material. This material allows the reactor to operate at extremely high temperatures, while keeping the fuel core stable and safe. The use of high temperature graphite also reduces the amount of fission product release in the event of a core meltdown. The reactor also has a passive primary coolant system which does not require electric power to operate. This design allows the reactor to operate for extended periods of time without requiring electric power or without fueling. It also makes the reactor highly reliable and easy to operate and maintain. The fuel core of TAIYO NIPPON SANSO UR25K contains both natural uranium and mixed oxide fuels, which allow for a broad range of experiments and research activities. The fuel elements are composed of hexagonal cylindrical blocks and filled mainly with Tristructural Isotropic coated particles. This design allows for a higher burnup compared to other types of fuel elements, which increases the efficiency and lifetime of the reactor. Overall, UR25K is a reliable and safe advanced small-scale High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) capable of providing a wide range of experiments and research ventures. Its use of high temperature graphite material, passive primary cooling system and fuel elements composed of hexagonal cylindrical blocks make it ideal for extended use with no electric power or frequent refueling requirements.
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