Used ULVAC IBS #9062038 for sale

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ID: 9062038
Deposition system Includes: BROOKS Cryopump, 16" RF Ion source, 16cm (2) Targets BROOKS Ion gauge set VAT Gate valve Temperature control Water cool system Vacuum pumping Target feedthrough HSF Size: < 12" Diameter with center hold Advanced uniformity control system.
ULVAC IBS is a type of low pressure, high-density ion beam source with enhanced ion beam quality and features an optimized magnetically insulated ion optical equipment. IBS is designed for use in a wide range of ion beam applications, such as UHV sputtering, ion implantation, SIMS, EBIS and others, and utilizes an unique magnetic field configuration to control and steer ion trajectories. ULVAC IBS core consists of two main components. The first is the ion-source chamber which houses a thruster gun, liquid metal ion source, and the phosphor screen. The thruster gun works to create ions by bombarding materials with high-energy electrons, while the liquid metal ion source (LMIS) produces a steady, uniform ion beam with low energy spread. The LMIS uses a low-viscosity liquid gallium-indium alloy to generate the ion stream, which is then subdued by the phosphor screen to produce the desired beam current. The second part of IBS is the ion optical system. This unit consists of several different magnets that create a 3D field to control and shape the ion beam. These magnets are a combination of three trim coils, solenoid, and electron suppression coils, which all cooperate to create a stable ion path and keep the beam focused on the target sample. The combination of both the ion source and the ion optical machine ensures a high-quality and stable ion beam. It also allows for high current density ion beams in the milliampere per cm2 range, which is ideal for high ion current applications. The magnetic field also increases the efficiency of the ion beam, and can be adjusted to create different beam characteristics, such as spherical and near-isotropic emission. ULVAC IBS also features efficient pumping of the ion-source chamber, an improved operation control tool, and advanced diagnostics capabilities. All of these features together make IBS one of the most reliable and robust ion beam sources. The device is capable of withstanding the rigors of the most demanding applications and is suitable for use in a variety of industrial and research applications.
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