Used FEI CLM-3D #9364079 for sale
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FEI CLM-3D is a high resolution variable pressure imaging scanning electron microscope (VPI-SEM). Its superior resolution, imaging capabilities and flexibility set it apart from other scanning electron microscopes, making it the ideal choice for a wide range of applications. CLM-3D is a state-of-the-art device designed for 3-dimensional (3D) imaging of particles with dimensions as small as 5nm. It features a field emission gun (FEG) with a maximum acceleration voltage of 30kV and a high-performance thermionic gun (TEG) with a maximum acceleration voltage of 4kV, both with ultra-low residual gases. FEI CLM-3D combines high resolution imaging capabilities and up to 10,000x magnification with a suite of automated features, providing researchers with the ability to quickly and accurately image particles with outstanding detail. CLM-3D also features an adjustable expansion/compression chamber, allowing researchers to vary the sample pressure during imaging. This ensures that the sample is optimally imaged for maximum detail, and that the sample is stable enough to provide a distortion-free image with no compromises in clarity. FEI CLM-3D is equipped with a range of advanced electron detectors, including a large gas field ion source (GFIS), which allows for imaging of samples without the need for a vacuum. This versatile piece of imaging equipment is also compatible with a variety of imaging stages, such as slicing stages, tilt stages, low temperature stages and gas field ion stage for the study of semi-conductors, metals and insulators. CLM-3D is a valuable tool for researchers in the fields of nanotechnology, materials science and semiconductor research. Thanks to its superior resolution and robust imaging capabilities, FEI CLM-3D is the ideal choice for the analysis of even the most fragile specimens. With its combination of accuracy and convenience, CLM-3D is a comprehensive imaging solution that is on the leading edge of innovation in scanning electron microscopy.
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