Used PHILIPS / FEI Tecnai F20 #9395069 for sale
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FEI Tecnai F20 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a tungsten filament source, enabling impressive resolution, high contrast and true color imaging modes. This advanced imaging equipment facilitates versatile applications for the analysis and quantification of large-scale, nanoscale and nanostructure features. Through its FlexibleProbe technology, Tecnai F20 offers unparalleled imaging of items with nonconductive surfaces. This technology couples the electrostatic brightness and contrast usually seen with tungsten-filament-source SEMs with the ability to image a variety of uncoated materials, including wood, plastics, paper, fabrics, biological samples, and more. FEI Tecnai F20 incorporates both scanning and transmission electron microscopy (STEM) capabilities in the same platform. This type of instrument has the advantage of conserving the orientation and integrity of the specimen during imaging—enabling it to be used for quick scanning, detailed imaging, diffraction and spectrometry of the sample. This system is especially suitable for applications involving very small structures or those with a very low contrast. Tecnai F20 also features a large chamber, complete with sample manipulation and navigation tools. The navigation unit makes it easy to navigate around the sample with respect to the field of view, allowing for more accurate identification and analysis of the features by incorporating new low-voltage technique. In addition, the machine incorporates several cutting-edge image pre-processing tools that improve imaging quality by automatically adjusting various imaging parameters, such as contrast and brightness. This tool also provides a variety of corrective filters to accurately display distinctive features or to help bring out subtle structures that are otherwise difficult to identify. Finally, FEI Tecnai F20 comes with a comprehensive assortment of software packages. These packages offer incredibly powerful image manipulation capabilities that are almost unparalleled in the microscopy industry. With a wide range of features including 3D reconstruction, color processing, and STEM visualisation, the asset is ideally suited for a variety of applications.
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