Used HITACHI RS 5500 #9215203 for sale

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ID: 9215203
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2009
Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), 12" 2009 vintage.
HITACHI RS 5500 is a state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope with extreme resolution and advanced features designed for a variety of advanced electron microscopy applications. TheRs 5500 is equipped with one of the most advanced electron optics available to date, combining a cold field emission electron source with advanced stage and column design. This scanning electron microscope allows a variety of electron imaging modes that provide unprecedented detail and clarity to nanoscale structures and surfaces. SCHOTT for example can display real-time images from up to 500X magnification with greater detail than ever before. Thanks to an innovative Cascading Contrast Technique (CCT), it simultaneously takes multiple electron images at various energies to generate an even higher resolution image of the sample. HITACHI RS5500 offers a highly stable specimen stage, which is capable of precision movements, allowing for accurate alignment of the electron beam, even when the electricity is shut off or the field of view changes. A combination of adjustment knobs, a motorized X-Y table, a vertical shift axis and a rotatable cross section provide a full range of possible manipulations on the sample, allowing for both high-resolution scans and fast scanning rates. This HITACHI scanning electron microscope also features a new digital image processor, SONIC (Sequential On-Next Impulse Control). This enables quicker image capture and delivery, as well as higher resolution using a variety of specialized controls, such as magnification, balance, contrast, brightness and sharpness. Finally, RS-5500 is also capable of producing spectrometric analyses to determine the elemental composition of samples for a wide variety of applications such as chemical etching studies, photomask design, and environmental monitoring. Through combination of Cs-corrected scanning electron optics, sophisticated alignment procedures, a digital imaging system, and efficient SONIC processor, RS5500 provides the highest resolution images currently available.
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