Used HITACHI RS 5500 #9249277 for sale

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ID: 9249277
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2012
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), 12" 2012 vintage.
HITACHI RS 5500 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) used in high-end scientific research. This instrument is equipped with several unique features for maximum image resolution and specimen analysis. It offers high automation and ease of use, with a wide variety of applications in industry and research. The SEM is composed of an electron column, sample stage, and imaging system. The electron column utilizes thermionic emission to generate a beam of electrons. The electron beam is focused and scanned in a raster pattern before being absorbed by the sample, where it interacts with the material surface atoms. Through this interaction, an image is created and is displayed on the imaging system. The imaging system of HITACHI RS5500 is composed of a high-resolution digital camera, video detector, and a fluorescent screen. The high-resolution camera is used to capture the digital images, while the fluorescent screen allows for magnified viewing of the image. The video detector is used for image analysis and can detect features in the sample from over ten million pixels. Samples can be mounted on a continuous rotary specimen stage which can hold up to 3 kg of material. This stage can be used to measure tilt between the sample and the electron beam, allowing for an in-depth analysis of the sample. RS-5500 also features an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) that can investigate the elemental composition of a sample. This EDX is attached to a silicon drift detector (SDD), allowing for increased sensitivity and improved resolution for material composition information. The SDD is also compatible with WDX spectroscopy, allowing the user to record the energy spectrum of the X-ray and analyze different elements of the sample. HITACHI RS-5500 is an excellent choice for advanced scientific research. Its multiple imaging systems and sample stages can provide detailed analyses of a specimen, and its EDX/WDX spectroscopy compatibility can reveal the elemental composition of a material. It is also equipped with a high level of automation and fast operation for ease of use.
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