Used HITACHI RS 6000 #9390718 for sale

ID: 9390718
Defect Review Scanning Electron Microscope (DR-SEM).
HITACHI RS 6000 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is designed for easy use and efficient operation. The SEM is equipped with a high-resolution electron gun, which produces accelerated high-energy electrons to create high-quality images with detailed information. It also uses a built-in concentric lens equipment to focus on the sample and minimize deflection of the incident electron beam. This ensures a greater degree of accuracy for imaging and measurement of the sample. HITACHI RS-6000 is a versatile instrument capable of scanning samples of various sizes and shapes from nanometer to millimeter levels. It produces images with a maximum resolution of 5 nm and detection of up to sub-micron particles. It is also possible to analyze elemental composition with the energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system that is included. The unit offers a range of user-friendly features that help with the analysis and interpretation of images. This includes functions such as automated analysis and automated focus with real-time feedback. The device has an intuitive graphical user interface that makes it easy to operate. In addition, it is possible to stream and save images to the internal memory, allowing for easy sharing and data storage. RS 6000 is powered by an advanced charged-coupled device (CCD) camera that captures particles and their emission in their widest range. This enables a wide range of applications, including photomicrography, imaging of medical and biological samples, and measuring properties such as surface roughness and grain size. The device is highly reliable, with an efficient cooling machine that extends its life and protects its components from thermal damage. The ROBOMAC™ software lets users customize the SEM to their specific needs while providing precise operation. It also has LED indicators to alert the user when adjustments are needed. Overall, RS-6000 is an advanced SEM that offers exceptional imaging and measurement capabilities with a range of user-friendly features. Its advanced components and innovative features make it an ideal instrument for imaging and analysis of a wide range of samples.
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