Used HITACHI S-2600H #9283747 for sale

ID: 9283747
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) EMAX included 2001 vintage.
HITACHI S-2600H is a high-performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for precision imaging and elemental analysis. This state of the art instrument features a large chamber for added flexibility and a high-quality lens equipment to provide the highest resolution images possible. S-2600H utilizes a luminous field emission gun (LFEG) source to produce electrons with low energy spread and high brightness, providing sharper images than with a standard field emission gun (FEG). This instrument is capable of high-resolution imaging from as low as 7nm to a maximum of 15kV working voltages. HITACHI S-2600H is equipped with a unique chamber structure that facilitates a versatility of sample positioning. The bottom stage allows the sample to be moved horizontally in XY directions, while the top stage can be tilted in the Z direction. This offers flexible options for orientation of samples and allows multiple regions of interest to be visualized in one image. Elemental analysis can be performed using S-2600H electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) system. This unit utilizes a cold field emission gun and is capable of detecting trace elements from sub-nanometer volumes with a high spatial resolution. To fully analyze samples, HITACHI S-2600H is also equipped with an energy filtered CCD (EFCCD) machine. The EFCCD allows the operator to add contrast to images, allowing for more detailed information to be gathered on the sample chemistry. In terms of operating methods, S-2600H provides full computer control, allowing for automation of SEM and EELS imaging. This allows the operator to monitor each step of the imaging process, helping improve the accuracy of data collection. With the S-2600 H's advanced control systems, samples can be modified in a variety of ways to better suit the requirements of the imaging. In a nutshell, HITACHI S-2600H is a state of the art scanning electron microscope that is designed to provide the highest levels of data accuracy and precision imaging. Featuring a large chamber, a high-quality lens tool and multiple analytical capabilities, S-2600H is the ideal instrument for researchers looking to study and analyze samples in impressive detail.
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