Used HITACHI S-3000N #9258338 for sale

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ID: 9258338
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
HITACHI S-3000N is a powerful scanning electron microscope (SEM) used for imaging and analysis at the nanoscale level. It is an environmentally sealed, inverted type electron microscope, incorporating the latest advancements in the field of electron microscopy. HITACHI S-3000 N is equipped with several advanced features, such as a high resolution imaging system, a wide field of view, and a highly stable electron beam. The imaging system uses a 5 or 10 Conventional Electron Detector (CED), or optional 5/10 Giga/Mega Pixel Everhart-Thornley detectors, with a resolution of up to 1.2 nm at 15kV, depending on the detector used. The wide field of view, up to 80 mm in diameter, allows for larger samples to be imaged. The stable electron beam and automatic focus control allows for narrow depth of focus and accurate results. S 3000 N also offers a wide range of sample analysis capabilities. The optional Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) system allows for high-resolution investigations of surface crystallographic features. Electron Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) can be used for chemical characterization and elemental mapping. Energy Dispersitive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) can be used for elemental magnifications and nano-analysis. S-3000N incorporates advanced image processing and data management systems, allowing users to capture and recreate high quality images. The accompanying MultiQ G@ PC Analysis Software allows users to create detailed images and perform various surface analyzation. Many additional optional components are available for use with S-3000 N, including sample holders, multiple detectors, stages and fixtures. All of these components enable HITACHI S 3000 N to be used for a wide range of applications in material science, biology and nanotechnologies. Overall, HITACHI S-3000N is a powerful, high performance scanning electron microscope, offering advanced imaging, analysis and data management capabilities. With a wide field of view, high resolution imaging capabilities and excellent sample analysis capabilities, HITACHI S-3000 N is the perfect tool for advanced SEM applications.
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