Used HITACHI S-4100 #293634973 for sale

ID: 293634973
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM).
HITACHI S-4100 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) produced by HITACHI High Technologies for microanalysis of materials. It has a range of features and sample manipulation capabilities to help users analyze a variety of samples. S-4100 boasts an impressive depth of field and large depth of focus, allowing for the analysis of samples at lower magnifications with extended depth. It also has secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) imaging capabilities, enabling it to analyze samples in both high and low kV conditions. The microscope also comes with auto-stigmation, which facilitates rapid beam alignment and high-resolution SE imaging, even with small and featureless samples. The auto-stig feature also helps in acquiring greater magnifications on SE images. HITACHI S-4100 offers a wide range of features and capabilities designed to make the process of analyzing samples easier and faster. It has a software system, ScopeView, which provides efficient and accurate real-time visual inspection of both non-conductive and conductive samples. S-4100 also includes a fully automated, tiltable specimen stage for low-magnification imaging, as well as a unique X,Y,Z core stage for alignment and positioning of samples for imaging at high magnifications. This core stage also supports EDS mapping and EDX elemental analysis. HITACHI magnetically-shielded HV chamber ensures stable operation, even when set-up in environments where the microscope is exposed to vibration and microphonics. It also provides sample protection from the high voltage in the instrument. HITACHI S-4100 also has a range of advanced software features which can be used to analyze data and save time while making measurements. These features include Digital Scanning, which converts analog signals into digital signals to accurately measure sample data. It also has a Helical Scanning feature that is able to detect subtle changes in sample surfaces by altering the scanning parameters. Overall, S-4100 is an excellent scanning electron microscope which offers a wide range of features, capabilities, and software systems designed to help users carry out their microanalysis tasks quickly and accurately. Its auto-stig and core stage features enable users to acquire high-resolution images at low magnifications, while its Digital Scanning and Helical Scanning software provides accurate measurements. The magnetically-shielded HV chamber also ensures stable operation and sample protection from the high voltage.
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