Used HITACHI S-4700 #9223625 for sale
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ID: 9223625
Vintage: 2000
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)
2000 vintage.
HITACHI S-4700 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) developed by HitachiHigh-Tech Science Corporation. It is a variable pressure SEM that offers high performance imaging and analysis capabilities in a compact, affordable package. HITACHI S 4700 is capable of imaging samples in a wide variety of environments, including in both high vacuum and variable-pressure operation with a stainless steel chamber. It utilizes a high-speed field emission gun (FEG) and secondary electron detector to achieve resolution to 0.3nm, enabling S-4700 to capture important imaging details in materials ranging from conductive to static-sensitive insulators. In addition, S 4700 offers a large variety of user-friendly features such as a non-crustalized imaging chamber, piezo-controlled sample holder, image capture software and an automated sample loader for accurate sample manipulation. HITACHI S-4700 is a suitable choice for a variety of imaging and analysis tasks, including conventional SEM studies, low-vacuum SEM studies, fault analysis, and non-destructive imaging of static-sensitive samples. It can capture sharp, high-contrast images for surface morphological analysis and provides an array of imaging and analysis tools for advanced studies such as EDS analysis and process monitoring. At the heart of HITACHI S 4700 is a high-sensitivity, two-dimensional detector that is capable of detecting signals down to 5 mrad2/r, providing wealth of structural data at the nanometer scale. Cryogenic capabilities provide quick and efficient cooling of samples and interior surfaces, while advanced noise reduction components produce clean, noise free images. S-4700 also comes with a full suite of accessories including Faraday Cup, ion beam impact ionization chamber, X-ray pre-filter, and gas-assisted sample transfer, allowing the instrument to take advantage of all of its imaging, analysis and research capabilities. S 4700 also offers outstanding user-friendly features such as a motorized stage, automatic analysis parameters, comprehensive software that supports importing, exporting and printing, internal memory for storing large data, and an ethernet connection for remote operation. HITACHI S-4700 is an all-in-one SEM solution that offers exceptional performance and easy operation at an affordable price.
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