Used HITACHI S-4700 #9316050 for sale
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ID: 9316050
Vintage: 1996
Cold Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (Cold FEG-SEM)
Imaging and specimen
Specimen stage: PC Controlled 5-Axis motorized stage
Imaging modes: (2) SE Detectors
Resolution: 1.5 nm at 15 kV, 2.1 nm at 1 kV
Accelerating voltage: 0.5 kV to 30 kV (in 100 V steps)
Operating system: Windows XP
1996 vintage.
HITACHI S-4700 is a versatile scanning electron microscope (SEM) that has been employed in a variety of materials research applications. It has a high accelerating voltage which ranges from 0.2-30kV, enabling the acquisition of higher resolution images and greater detail. This has included the examination of smaller structures and delicate samples. An upper chamber view equipment employs an electron signal detector and laser beam illumination. Its large circular field of view allows for the observation of a wide range of SEM samples in only one run. This 0-360 degree rotation can provide more comprehensive cross-sectional and 3D imaging. The optical column design has a single movable pole piece for both the electron gun and the stage. Its vacuum level can be set from higher than that of the upper chamber to ultra-high vacuum (UHV). Its built in environmental control (EC) chamber is designed to be flexible. Its temperature control system features a built-in liquid nitrogen container for low temperature TEM studies. HITACHI S 4700 has an integrated video microscope unit (VMS) with a camera magnifications ranging from 10x to 10,000x. This provides a high-resolution color display. HITACHI S-4800 has an optional high-speed micro structural analysis machine which includes a time-resolved SEM and an imaging electron probe (XIP) tool. The XIP combination enables the direct detection of elemental analysis in crystalline and amorphous samples by using the secondary electron, backscattered electron and their ratios. S-4700 is complete with a variety of accessories for sample preparation. These accessories include an evaporator, hydraulic press and a sputter coater for depositing thin films. S 4700 also has a touchscreen interface and intuitive software for easy operation of all the microscope components. A host of measurement functions, including automatic alignment of SEM images, are available.
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