Used HITACHI S-5000 #9309682 for sale

ID: 9309682
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
TheHitachi HITACHI S-5000 Scanning Electron Microscope is an advanced analytical tool foracquiring high resolution images in a variety of areas in microscopy. Itfeatures dual energy imaging for both atomic density (backscattered electrons)and elemental image (characteristic X-ray signals). HITACHI S 5000 is alsoparticularly useful for morphology studies. Its advanced image magnification capabilities allow for a wide range of analytical functions such as elemental mapping, phase discrimination, three-dimensional imaging, and topographical analysis. The analytical microscope utilizes a controller-display equipment (CDS) that provides coordinate system, point recognition, and a range of analytical software packages. TheS-5000's optics unit is designed to minimize aberrations, vibrations, andSpectral artifacts. The machine is able to capture images from particles, organicand inorganic molecules, and active area of samples. S-5000 features anintegrated aberration-corrector that is able to suppress aberrations from treatecondary lens field. Its two angle detector enables measuring elongation anddiameter, useful for particle characterization and an aggressive resolution of50 nm. The in-lens secondary electron detector is implemented onto the electronicmultipole lens control, significantly improving the detector response time andimage quality. In addition, the pulse-source tool allows for a much widerdynamic range than other systems. TheS-5000 offers a range of sample manipulation techniques, from flow cells tolarge spinning stages for assessing a wide array of samples. It is also compatible with acryoflow/cryoprecipitation asset for upgrading material condition andAnalyzing deep samples. Foroperators who require a high-performance model for nanoscale imaging, the S-5000is a great choice. With its many advanced features and capabilities, user canGain more discover insights about their sample.
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