Used HITACHI S-5500 #293602573 for sale
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ID: 293602573
Vintage: 2005
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
2-Axis holder
PC Memory: 512 MB
Reflected electronics detector (Upper)
Dry pump
Standard micro-scale
Circulator for cooling water (W-5030Td)
Anti-contamination trap
2005 vintage.
HITACHI S-5500 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a powerful and versatile microscope used in electron and ion beam analysis. It allows researchers to detect and study the structure of extremely small objects, with a resolution that reaches 1 nanometer in diameter. HITACHI S 5500 is a multi-stage column SEM able to produce high-resolution images in the classical SEM mode and includes the ability to perform advanced SEM and imaging experiments. The SEM is controlled by a fully automated multi-function controller system. The system includes an intelligent hardware and software platform that allows users to image both a sample and its environment. S-5500 includes a wide range of imaging options, such as EDS, EBIC, STEM, and TEM. It also provides an extensive variety of imaging options, including ultramicrotomography, digital image facsimile, high-contrast imaging, and digital TV. S 5500 has a digital signal processor, a large sample chamber for SEM imaging, a computer-controlled stage for sample manipulation, and sophisticated specimen holders to accommodate highly specialized samples. The sample stage can be raised and lowered for different imaging requirements, and a wide range of lenses allows for high-resolution imaging. It also includes software that allows for image manipulation, such as contrast enhancement and color encoding. For further analysis and image processing, HITACHI S-5500 includes HITACHI Genius professional imaging package. This includes a library of over 500 important SEM images and allows users to cut processes in half. It also includes a wide variety of intuitive tools such as clustering and classification of images. As part of its powerful optimization tools, the Genius package enables researchers to quantify and analyze a variety of particles and defects. HITACHI S 5500 is a powerful and versatile tool in the field of SEM. Its combination of hardware and sophisticated software makes it an ideal choice for researchers looking for an advanced and efficient imaging system.
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