Used HITACHI S-800 #9375178 for sale

ID: 9375178
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Vacuum pumps included.
HITACHI S-800 scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a high resolution imaging and analysis tool designed for laboratory use. It is suitable for a wide range of applications including research, process control, failure analysis and reverse engineering. HITACHI S800 is equipped with a mobile stage that can work with a variety of substrates and resolutions. The stage allows for fine micron-level positioning, ensuring accuracy and precision in imaging and analysis. The SEM is built with a high performance electron column and an adjustable sample chamber which is capable of reaching high vacuum levels of approximately 1×10-5 torr. It also has a range of advanced features, including an automated diffraction system, energy filter and a full color digital camera. S-800 includes a range of detectors, such as a scintillator and a secondary electron detector. The scintillator allows for imaging of specimens, while the secondary electron detector allows for high resolution 3D images and elemental analysis. S800 is also equipped with a high-resolution environmental SEM chamber, allowing for easy control of temperature and the ability to work with a range of specimen materials. HITACHI S-800 operates on 400kV with a wide selection of imaging modes and magnifications. It offers a variety of analysis tools, such as electron beam energy analysis, backscattered electron imaging and X-ray mapping. HITACHI S800 also features a user-friendly interface that allows users to make quick adjustments to image parameters and settings. S-800 is a powerful and reliable tool for a wide range of applications and research. Its high resolution imaging capabilities allow researchers to accurately observe complex structures. With its advanced features, powerful electron column and user-friendly interface, S800 is an ideal scanning electron microscope for laboratory use.
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