Used HITACHI S-8800 #9247742 for sale

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ID: 9247742
Vintage: 1994
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), parts machine 1994 vintage.
HITACHI S-8800 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed by Japanese manufacturer HITACHI. It is a high performance instrument designed for materials science application. This SEM has a four pole-piece objective lens equipment and high performance electron optical column for excellent general and analytical features. S-8800 produces electron images with an unbeatable resolution of 1nm. It features a high resolution backscattered electron detector for fast collection of high resolution images. This SEM also features automated secondary electron imaging and large area automatic scans which can be used for 3D imaging. The specimen chamber has atmospheric pressure loads of up to 800g and is designed for low and high vacuum imaging. HITACHI S-8800 also has an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) kit to produce elemental chemical maps. The images produced by this instrument have superb contrast and resolution and can be used to identify objects present in sample specimens. The EDS system allows for the detection of elements down to 0.1%. Its large field of view and high resolution make it ideal for samples which are large or dense. S-8800 is an energy efficient SEM and has a low operational cost. The vacuum unit uses an oil diffusion pumping machine which is adjustable and offers multiple pressure levels, reducing the need to do frequent deep vacuum pumpings. The innovative design of the instrument also features automated and electronic adjustments for the stage, accelerating sample prep and ensuring optimal performance. The tool suite of HITACHI S-8800 is easy to use and designed with the user in mind. It has a variety of image processing tools including image smoothing and digital noise reduction. Additionally, the software also allows for basic mathematical operations on the images such as contrast enhancement, thresholding, and image masking. The intuitive user interface also features a library of tools for data analysis and report creation. In short, S-8800 is a high-performance scanning electron microscope which is ideal for material science applications. Its 1nm resolution, electon optical column and EDS capacity allow for the capture of high resolution and elemental chemical maps. Its energy efficient design and tool suite make image processing and data analysis straightforward and user-friendly.
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