Used HITACHI S-9380 II #9121417 for sale

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ID: 9121417
Wafer Size: 8"-12"
CD Scanning electron microscope, 8"-12" Workstation: HF-W2000 O/S: HPUX Software version: 26.31 Electron gun Optical microscope Pulse motor driving method Movement range: X, Y 0 - 300mm Automating transfer robot Automatic loading Vacuum chuck EWS 18" LCD.
HITACHI S-9380 II, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), is an efficient and powerful tool designed for a range of microscopy applications. It is designed to provide detailed surface analysis of materials and can be used for a wide range of research, including analytical analysis of a variety of organic and non-organic surfaces, microparticles, and nanocrystals. HITACHI S9380 II is equipped with several features. It has a multi-sectional micro field emission gun (FEG) that increases the resolution of high-resolution electron imaging, three electron entry angles (±20°, 0° and 90°), and a 50mm tungsten FEG for stringent applications. S-9380-II also comes with a high-resolution EDX module that enables simultaneous observation and EDX elemental analysis, with quality results. It has comprehensive control and data acquisition capabilities, and allows users to acquire data for quantitative analysis. Additionally, the system includes a remote control panel as well as a monitor for displaying images and analyzing data. S9380 II has an enhanced sample stage which offers up to 120° of tilt angle and a smooth stage movement of 100 (100mm), allowing precision control during manipulation. Furthermore, the sample stage is thermocontrolled, which helps to reduce drift and maintain a consistent temperature. S-9380 II provides image stability and resolution to capture the finest details, with a resolution of 1nm (lateral) and 0.5nm (vertical). It is also equipped with an electric condenser lens that optimizes the electron gun at stage height. A power supply is also included with the system, providing a stable voltage source for sample heating and other experiments. S 9380 II is an effective and versatile SEM suitable for a range of research needs. Its advanced features and control capabilities provide reliable images and analyses with high accuracy. Its features, resolution, and stability make it an ideal tool for research professionals.
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