Used HITACHI S-9380 II #9251047 for sale

ID: 9251047
Vintage: 2004
Critical Dimension Scanning Electron Microscope (CD-SEM) 2004 vintage.
HITACHI S-9380 II is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an electron gun composed of filaments and micro-columns electrically connected in parallel. This SEM is equipped with a field emission gun (FEG) which gives a better and more reliable electron source. The FEG features a small illuminating area, short column length and extremely low electron beam divergence for excellent resolution and high throughput. HITACHI S9380 II is capable of measuring samples of up to 20 mm in diameter and with its large sample chamber, allows for easy sample loading and unloading in various positions. Working at a maximum magnification of up to 3,000,000X, samples of any orientation can be scanned. It has a Large port and one small port for SE/BSE and Ion Beam. Additionally, S-9380-II features a low vibration specimen stage and a high stability digital control equipment for accurate and repeatable control of the specimen stage movements. S-9380 II requires lower sample maintenance during operation with its newly developed control software for automatic adjustment function of the roda waveform in order to maintain correct alignment of the electron beam. In addition to its automatic functions, the diamond shaped carbon film (COPI) coated type field emission gun allows for exceptionally high resolution at varied accelerations voltages. HITACHI S 9380 II's magnification capabilities and advanced electron optics give researchers the ability to measure a broad range of samples all in one single system. Not only is S 9380 II able to detect details down the nanometer level, but it also provides the capability to measure surface area with a high degree of accuracy. It has excellent surface mapping capabilities enabled by high precision alignment of the electron beam and focuses on the surface to create nanometer scale resolution image maps. S9380 II also features a small X/Y movement unit which allows to scan non-uniform samples while maintaining high resolution. This means that it is an incredibly useful tool for applications such as failure analysis and micro-structural examination. Finally, this machine is compatible with selective area electron irradiation, causing no degradation to the surrounding area of the sample, in order to apply modification to the sample. In conclusion, HITACHI S-9380-II is a highly advanced scanning electron microscope with an FEG electron gun, capable of conducting detailed nanometer measurements on a wide variety of samples. Its advanced imaging and electron optics provide researchers with the ability to accurately diagnose defects and structural features on their samples in addition to measuring and mapping the surface area of their samples. Detailed examination and modification of samples is enabled by the X/Y tool and selective area electron irradiation asset, further broadening the capability of HITACHI S-9380 II.
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