Used JEOL 100CX #293663120 for sale

ID: 293663120
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
JEOL 100CX is a powerful scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an outstanding performance record. It is equipped with a large-diameter field emission gun (FEG) and a unique electrostatic objective lens, providing a maximum magnification of more than 1,000,000 times. The high resolution of 100CX allows scientists to observe microscopic features in an unprecedented level of detail. The unique focal properties of the FEG make JEOL 100CX suitable for imaging a variety of samples. By using the widest range of accelerating voltages and electrical stigmators, 100CX is able to produce high-resolution images of surfaces, topographies, and interior structures of non-conducting materials at a high resolution. Additionally, JEOL 100CX is equipped with a low-vacuum secondary electron detector, making it ideal for performing single-particle analysis of thin films. The ease of operation and the versatility of 100CX make it a great instrument for imaging biological samples. With a superior temporal resolution and a wide range of accelerating voltages, this instrument is ideal for visualizing cellular structures and dynamical processes inside these cells. For imaging non-conductive surfaces, JEOL 100CX is equipped with a liquid nitrogen-cooled cryogenic stage, permitting enhanced capture capabilities. Overall, 100CX is a highly versatile and reliable SEM. Its powerful imaging capabilities are complemented by accessories such as beam blankers, which reduce sample contamination, and auto-correcting detectors, which ensure the best possible performance for each sample. The rugged design of the instrument makes it suitable for use in a variety of settings, making JEOL 100CX a popular choice among researchers.
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