Used JEOL 1200EX #9149435 for sale

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ID: 9149435
Film cameras from JEOL 1200EX TEM Sets of plates and plate reservoirs.
JEOL 1200EX is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) which is used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. This high-resolution device displays an exceptionally detailed 3D image of a specimen that is magnified up to 200,000 times. As an energy-dispersive STEM, it uses both electrons and X-rays to obtain images and generate spectra, enabling in-depth analysis. The instrument features a thermoelectronic cooling equipment which ensures consistent operation within a wide range of temperatures. Sample preparation is facilitated by the use of an automated gas-filled chamber, which enables variation in the applied pressure. The system can also be equipped with a low vacuum stage, making it suitable for low vacuum applications. The SEM's sample stage is motorized to provide exact alignment and repeatable positioning. In addition, its advanced control unit enables accurate navigation of the apparatus, even at maximum magnifications. Its high-sensitivity detection machine ensures reliable results of even the smallest features. Furthermore, the brightness and adaptive image brightness can be adjusted to maximize image contrast. The tool comes with an advanced fiber-optic asset to allow complex specimen handling. Complex models can be modeled using an AutoSEM interface which supports the loading of STL data files. The 100kV 300mm gun is the main source of electrons, while its open aperture allows for dynamic analysis. An electron source with a 140kV accelerating voltage is also available for applications requiring higher accuracy and resolution. JEOL 1200-EX is a fast and efficient instrument with superb performance. It is ideal for materials science, semiconductor metrology, failure analysis, and nanoscience applications. Its ergonomic design and intuitive interface ensure easy operation and reliable results.
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