Used JEOL JEM 1230 #9115435 for sale

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ID: 9115435
Vintage: 2003
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) EDS/EDX: No Accelerating voltage: 120kV 2003 vintage.
JEOL JEM 1230 Scanning Electron Microscope is a field emission type scanning electron microscope (SEM) which is capable of high resolution imaging at two times the resolving power of earlier SEMs. This microscope operates at a lower accelerating voltage than other SEMs which is advantageous when imaging fragile specimens. JEM 1230 is equipped with a high current field emission gun. The gun has been developed so that the accelerating voltage applied to it can be selected from 4 kV to 30 kV. This allows for a wide range of imaging from near-field to far-field operations. JEOL JEM 1230 SEM also has a high-sensitivity surface temperature control system which can be used to control the surface temperature of the sample in raster scanning mode. In this way, the temperature of the specimen can be adjusted during imaging to preserve delicate structures. JEM 1230 is capable of analysis from ultra-conductive to insulating samples. Specialized techniques are available on this microscope, such as X-ray fluorescence for long-distance analysis and EDS for elemental composition analysis. The EDS system includes an energy-dispersive X-ray detector for high sensitivity and resolution. An integrated SSC/EELS detector enables spot analysis of specimens with atomic resolution. Also included with JEOL JEM 1230 is a computer-controlled beam blanker. This device automatically shuts down the beam when the beam impacts the sample or leaves the specimen image. JEM 1230 is equipped with a dual cameras & image processing system which provides a 20 kHz scanning speed. This combines for a high-resolution, high-speed imaging performance and quick image acquisition. The microscope also includes a Tilt stage which allows +/-15° of angular tilt to the specimen stage and can be used for topographic analysis of defects. JEOL JEM 1230 SEM has a fully automatic stage which enables specimen loading of up to 10 mm in diameter. Overall, JEM 1230 Scanning Electron Microscope is an ideal tool for research laboratories and industrial applications. Its high-resolution imaging and large range of specialized techniques makes it suitable for a wide variety of tasks. Its automatic features also make it easy to use and help to ensure the highest-quality results.
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