Used JEOL JEM 2000FX #9075094 for sale

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ID: 9075094
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Electron optics and signal detection: LaB6 & (6) tungsten filaments Accelerating voltage: Maximum 200 kV Resolution: 2.5 Angstrom Pumping system and vacuum: Column ion pump Oil diffusion Rotary roughing pump Specimen stage / Holder: Double tilt Single tilt GATAN Double tilt specimen holder GATAN Sample holder RP Sensor GATAN PC Monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables, controller PS GATAN Processor, cables and hoist clamp screws, misc panel screws Left console Right console HT Tank PS Unit Desktop Anti-vibration block Gun lift Hoist / Crane Center console / Column Gun and cable SF6 Regulator (5) RP Belts DP Oil Trolley jack for GATAN camera DP Pulley DP Heater cables Copper gasket Logic chips Electrolytic caps Monitor with cables Special tools Spare pole piece and gun top Spare OL coil Water fittings Does not include GATAN camera.
JEOL JEM 2000FX is a type of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) designed for versatile imaging. It is a thermionic field emission SEM capable of achieving both high resolution images and analysis of surface topography, composition, and morphology. X-ray microanalysis, which is used to determine elemental composition, can also be easily performed with this instrument. The optical system of JEOL 2000FX features a high-brightness field emission gun with a super-long working distance objective lens for improved operation. The objective lens and column gun are equipped with computer-controlled high speed auto alignment system for improved specimen focusing. This ensures a precise image and optimal specimen observation. The maximum accelerated voltage of JEOL 2000FX is 160 kV, with a minimum of 2 kV. The instrument is also capable of variable pressure/variable current operation and can be operated between 0-600 Pa. JEOL 2000FX is equipped with a low-vibration stage that is critical for specimens that may be easily damaged by vibrations. The control stage platform is also capable of fine and comprehensive adjustments, making the microscope ideal for a variety of specimen orientations. The column gun of JEOL 2000FX is also equipped with a computer-controlled backscatter detector, allowing for images and analyses of backscattered electrons. The interfaces of JEOL 2000FX are connected to a networked computer, allowing for control and data acquisition using dedicated software. Data can be analyzed and archived with ease, providing powerful image processing capabilities. JEOL 2000FX is a highly versatile SEM ideal for a wide variety of applications in materials science, industrial, and biological fields.
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