Used JEOL JEM 200CX #9243562 for sale

ID: 9243562
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
JEOL JEM 200CX scanning electron microscope is a high-performance, analytical instrument used for studying materials and biologic samples at the nanoscale. This versatile equipment features a high stability, low-voltage, in-lens field emission electron source, which enables analyses of soft materials and thick samples at high resolution. It features a chamber size of 180 mm in diameter, and a four-axis navigational structure that enables beam scanning over an extensive field-of-view. The 200CX's secondary electron (SE) detector allows for low-contrast analysis of specimen surface features, while a backscattered electron (BSE) detector is available for higher contrast imaging. Ion extraction systems are also available to allow for low-damage analysis of specimen surface areas. JEOL 200CX is capable of producing imaging resolutions of better than 0.8 nm in SE mode, and better than 1.2 nm in BSE mode. It has a built-in tension compensated power supply, and can operate at beam currents from 2 nA to 20 nA for X-ray beam excitation. In addition, the system can detect X-ray wavelengths from 2.5 keV to 22 keV. An optional Schottky field emission electron source can also be added to the unit, increasing the imaging resolutions in both SE and BSE modes. The 200CX has a wide range of additional features and capabilities. An integrated digital camera machine is available to support video and digital imaging applications. The tool also includes an automated specimen-auto-stigmate alignment asset, and a model controller for automated scans and data acquisition. It features a robust set of software for user control. And, data collected in different modes such as SE, BSE or X-ray can be flexibly combined to form combinations of images for 3-dimensional analysis and visualization. Overall, JEOL JEM 200 CX offers a wide range of features and advantages for nanoscale material and biological research. With its well-engineered design and advanced performance capabilities, the 200CX is an ideal microscope equipment for researchers who need reliable, high-accuracy results.
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