Used JEOL JEM 2010 #293627916 for sale

ID: 293627916
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) has been removed.
JEOL JEM 2010 is a modern scanning electron microscope manufactured by the Japanese company JEOL Ltd. It is the company's first highresolution ultra-distortion instrument, featuring a cold field emission gun and an aberration corrector. This allows it to deliver outstanding image clarity and unparalleled contrast at low magnifications as well as higher magnifications for greater detail. Its operating voltage range extends up to 250 kV, making it suitable for a wide variety of samples, including large inorganic specimens. Its dedicated secondary and tertiary electron detectors allow for collection of various signals, such as back-scattered and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) images. This gives users greater control and flexibility when using the instrument. JEOL JEM-2010 also has an in-column Gimbal stage design, allowing for more precise and accurate sample navigation at high magnifications. This is important for identifying certain features when working with samples that require precise navigation. In addition, JEM 2010 is equipped with an EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) detector, allowing for identification of elements present in the samples and providing insights into their composition. The instrument also has a cryo-transfer option that allows for samples to be held at a constant temperature during analysis, thus eliminating the possibility of thermal distortion and ensuring greater accuracy of the results. Lastly, JEM-2010 has an automated and programmable stage, allowing for routine tasks to be easily carried out with minimal user effort and greatly improving efficiency. The instrument also comes with a suite of software packages, including the MultiMaster software for acquisition and automated image analysis, making it an all-in-one instrument for electron microscopy.
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