Used JEOL JEM 2100 #293585544 for sale

ID: 293585544
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JEM 2100 is a high performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) that delivers superior image quality and resolution. It is an ideal tool for microscopic analysis in a variety of fields, such as materials science, life science, and nanotechnology. JEM 2100 utilizes the latest technology and a variety of state-of-the-art features, such as a cold field emission electron gun, a large dynamic range solid-state detector, and a high vacuum chamber. It also boasts an impressive through-the-lens system to optimize image clarity and contrast. Its superior design and construction allows for low beam deceleration and focusing of incident electrons, as well as a long working distance from the specimen to the detector. This provides resolutions down to 0.8 nm, as well as a maximum telescopic magnification of 2,000,000X. JEOL JEM 2100 also has an in-column energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectrometer and a computer-controlled sample stage for position control and sample manipulation. JEM 2100 is a versatile and reliable instrument that is capable of performing a wide range of analyses, such as imaging, elemental analysis, and signal acquisition. It is also equipped with an advanced automated analysis software package, allowing users to quickly and easily analyze their SEM images. This software can be used to measure specimen size, perform automatic particle counting and feature recognition, create high contrast color-coded images, and other advanced functions. Overall, JEOL JEM 2100 is an invaluable tool that can be used to accurately and efficiently perform high quality microscopic analysis of samples from a wide range of fields. With its advanced features and superior resolution, it stands out as one of the most powerful SEM instruments available today.
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