Used JEOL JEM 2100F #9242641 for sale

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ID: 9242641
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) / Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) FEG 80-200 kV Aligned at 80,100,120,160 and 200 kV Shorting electrode (to enable use at 80,100 and 120 kV) HR Pole piece: Cs= 1 mm, Cc=1.4 mm Point resolution: 0.23 nm Information limit (TEM): 0.1 nm STEM Resolution: 0.195 nm Free lens control Motorized objective apertures Objective apertures: Manually controlled Hard X-ray aperture JEOL HAADF and BF-STEM Detectors GATAN BF/ADF Detectors GATAN Ultrascan 1000 CCD Dry pumping system: Scroll pumps Turbo pump Column ion pump element Goniometer cover Single-tilt and double-tilt holders High stability water-water chiller Faulty parts: Si (Li) EDX detector, 50 mm Analyzer with PC.
JEOL JEM 2100F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that has been designed for the high resolution imaging, analysis, and manipulation of biological cells and other biological and industrial specimens. This new model from JEOL boasts several improved features over its predecessor, the JEM 2020, making it one of the best and most powerful Scanning Electron Microscopes available. JEM 2100F is designed to offer a wide range of imaging and analysis techniques, including both Variable Magnification and Angle Sampling stages. These allow users to get detailed images of objects while maintaining a larger field of view. Additionally, JEOL JEM 2100F is capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures, from -20℃ to +50℃, ensuring consistent and accurate operation. The microscope also includes a high-performance electron gun with a 2.0 x 2.0 mm tip and an adjustable source size, allowing for a wider range of imaging applications. This electron gun is equipped with a digital filter, which enables users to adjust the contrast in the microscope images. JEM 2100F is also equipped with a full-function equipment that provides intuitive control and fine adjustment of the electron gun, brightness and other system parameters. This feature ensures precise image control and efficient and accurate imaging adjustment. JEOL JEM 2100F has a cold trap cryo-transfer unit, which enables users to rapidly transfer biological specimens from liquid nitrogen to the specimen stage. This ensures that specimens remain intact and the images remain clear throughout the imaging process. The microscope also boast a fast remote control function, which allows users to control the microscope from a remote location. This feature is especially useful for remote researchers who need to access the same imaging data in order to collaborate on projects. JEM 2100F is a powerful and versatile scanning electron microscope that can be used for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications. Its innovative design and built-in features make it the ideal tool for various research and imaging processes. It is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a high-performance, reliable and precise imaging machine.
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